Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The baby is coming!

Hello everyone! This is Lynn - I hijacked Shelly's blog to give you all a baby update! Actually, I guess it's not really hijacking since she gave me her password, but I do have a baby update!

Ian is coming tomorrow!!! Okay, so that's not really an update since Shelly said that in her last post. But now there is more specific information about the time of his arrival - Shelly will be induced tomorrow at 7:30. So whenever little Ian decides to make his appearance after that, he will be here!

I also have a new picture of the Embry girls:

Aren't they cute!!!!?

I will be back tomorrow (unless perhaps Shelly can find a place to post from at the hospital?? do they have wireless there?) and I'll include some pictures of Ian!!!

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