Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Big Surprise

We're now a family of SIX!
Owen decided to make his appearance early Thursday morning. Which was a huge shock to me since I had already accepted that I would probably have to be induced.
I was sleeping and at 2:30 I had a contraction that woke me up. I thought it was just a fluke and planned on going back to sleep. Ten minutes later, another one. Ten minutes later, another one. They weren't very painful, but I definitely wasn't going to be able to sleep through them so I decided to take a bath and see if they would stop.
That didn't work. They still kept coming so I did a load of laundry and watched part of a movie. They weren't getting any more intense, but by 4:00 they were only 5 minutes apart. Since I wasn't really in pain I was not convinced that these contractions were doing anything. I didn't even wake Scott up. He knew when I got out of bed that I was having contractions and thought that they would just go away like they did last time.
And by 5:00 they were only 2-3 minutes apart. And at this point I was still a little on the fence about going to the hospital. I didn't want to have to wake my grandma up to come sit with the kids if they were just going to send me home. The contractions had gotten a little stronger at this point, but still weren't super painful or anything.
Since they were so close together I finally decided to wake everyone up and head to the hospital. We got there and checked in around 5:45. We went up to the room, I got my gown on, got in bed and my water broke at 6:00 on the dot. They hadn't even got to check me yet. The nurse came in to do that just a minute later and I was fully dilated and ready to go!
That was completely unexpected!! So they got everything set up and we started pushing around 6:30. And I pushed and pushed and pushed. This is the fourth kid. You would think he would come right out. Nope. So I pushed and pushed and pushed some more.
There wasn't really time for an epidural and I wasn't in that much pain anyway. So this was my first completely natural birth. No induction, no epidural. And overall, it was the perfect experience.... And then, during those last 5 minutes of pushing, I thought I was going to die. I definitely scared the crap out of Scott! Poor guy. He probably though I was dying too. I have this nearly painless labor all night and then 5 minutes of the worst pain I have felt in my entire life! Completely unbearable! I swear, I am still traumatized. Will there be any more kids in our future? Ha, I don't know! :)

After pushing for over an hour he was born at 7:49am. Just 5 hours after that first contraction. He was exactly the same size as his brother. 8 pounds 13 ounces and 22 inches long.


Heather said...

Thanks for sharing your story!

Melissa said...

Ooooh! He is so so cute. :) So get the whole "I'm not really in labor" thing, I had that for about an hour with my second baby, and then it just hit like a wave. I can't believe you made it all the way through transition without to much pain, thats crazy! Transistion is always the worst part for me. Although this time around I'm worried about pushing since the worst thing about all of my labors was the post-partum last time around when I got hemmoroids. :( Anyways, hope your recovery go well! Congratulations! :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats! He's beautiful! What a great labor and delivery story. Although, sorry about the pain. :( I've been induced 4 times, 4 epidurals, 4 healthy deliveries. What a blessing for your family!

Shelly said...

For some reason, blogger didn't email me about any of these comments! I'm glad I happened to glance down a little bit. Thanks for stopping by ladies!

Anna P said...

What a story! Praise God for such a healthy sweet little man =)
I went natural for babies #3 and #4and I hear ya, that pain at the end is INDESCRIBABLE!!!!! Good job momma, you make beautiful babies =)