Last night I made my first trip to the store by myself with both girls with me. I just had to run in and get diapers, so I thought I would try it out. Everything went perfectly. I sat Emma in the cart and Abby was in her carrier on the seat of the cart. Emma was very well behaved. I was really impressed. I know I can handle taking them both with me if I just grab a few things, but if I was actually grocery shopping it would be a problem. That's good to know.
After taking on the adventure of buying diapers, we went to Kara Guffey's for dinner. She made us some delicious chicken. You can't go wrong with chicken!
Here are the first pictures I took with my new camera. It's just a cheap one - a Sanyo VCP-T700. It does have 7 megapixels where my last one only had 5 so I guess it's better.